Create in-app documentationeasily

Hassle-free in-app documentation management. Show in-context help panel right within your app.

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Improve user retention

Empower your users with easy-to-find documentation right within your app's context. By enabling users to find answers effortlessly, you can boost engagement and encourage further exploration of your app.

Right place right time

Show the right the documentation within the right context. Attach documentation to the right trigger.

Keep everyone engaged

Accessible in just one click, say goodbye to frustrations of navigating separate sites and searching for the right documentation.

Avoid outdated documentation

Don't let outdated documentation slip through the cracks. Track changes effortlessly with in-app documentation.

Make better product decisions

The documentation panel's analytics can help track confusing features. If users frequently seek help, it suggests a higher level of feature confusion.

Block-based documentation editor

All the tools you need to write a better documentation

Use SideHint block-based documentation editor to write your documentation.

App screenshot
Rich text editor
Supports for various rich text operations like bold, italic, inline code, URL and more.
Syntax highlight
Pick from various supported programming languages complete with syntax highlight with our code block.
Media support
Upload images, link to Youtube to make your documentation easier to grasp.
More features!
Support for tables, quote, alert, and more. We use SideHint in SideHint, so we are continously improving the editor.